Wednesday, February 18, 2009

home sweet home

Yes ... I know it's hard to believe ... I actually completed a layout. And yes, not only did I complete a layout but I actually took the time to photograph it and post it here on my blog. :o)

Today was an icky kind of day for me. I had a midterm exam that I felt totally unprepared for, so I spent my morning pouting in my favorite coffee shop. Once my midterm was done and over with, I took myself shopping (I deserved a special treat!!) and I bought myself an itsy bitsy tea pot. It's adorable. It's meant to be used when you're having tea alone - it holds about 2 cups of tea, so rather than making and wasting an entire pot you can make a single serving. Anyway, I bought the teapot and named her Betsey, and by the time I got home I was in much better spirits and in the mood to scrap.

The layout above is about eventually moving to Vancouver when I finish school here. I finally used some of my beloved Pink Paislee paper, and my Sassafrass Lass letter stickers. The page didn't turn out exactly as I thought it would, but I like it ... I think it totally captures what I'm feeling.



Catherine said...

I'm sorry to hear you were feeling rotten today. I'm sure the midterm wasn't as bad as you felt! And the page is gorgeous. I really love the photo strip!

Jessica said...

I love this page, honey. Is it the one you were telling me about being inspired by the N. Diamond song? I'm sorry you weren't having a better day earlier in the week, I hope that you're feeling better this weekend. :o)